woensdag 20 april 2011

iPad new? hahahaha we are just slow

Slow in adapting new technology!

SPARCPad 1991

This is the SPARCPad, introduced in 1991 by the Xerox lab SPARC, read more here Nobody liked it and nobody bought it....Strange.

In the early nighties the PDA was very popular gadget among businessmen. The personal digital assistent was a touchscreen.... what could the PDA do? adresbook and calendar...and that was it? more and less yess. Nevertheless Palm Pilot , SOny and Sharp sold millions of PDA's. Were was Apple in those days? Only in 1996 Apple introduced the Newton......

What if the Apple Newton had lived up to its promise? The Newton was, and is, revolutionary:

* 24 hours of continuous battery life.
* Excellent handwriting recognition.
* ’Data soup’ information storage, allowing all programs access to, and understanding of, all other programs data.
* A fantastic operating system. Think of how much better the iPhone’s OS is than other phones, that’s at least how much better NewtonOS was then anything in its time. Including, at least in ease of use, a desktop in a lot of regards.

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